Location: Singapore

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Chatting =)

I really have to stop this habit of updating in the middle of the night 0.o. Really.

Anyways, was online researching for bio, when Ching came online on skype =D. Chatted to her for a bit about random things, especially about her jungle boy. I haven't heard her voice in AGES, more like last year's teacher's day and if feels nice to hear her voice again =). Nothing beats listening to a friend's voice =).

Anyways, Believe it or not, I'm actually starting to buck up on my studies (oh look, Hell froze over!). I still feel stupid sometimes, but at least I'm actually doing something about it. Been trying to stay awake in class lately. Just doing whatever it takes to keep my eyes open. I'll need to come up with a revision schedule sometime this week, but I hope its not too late to start going all out for A levels for my B average =).

Anyways, I've already put Harry Potter aside. After all, after reading the final last book, it kinda gives a nice closure. I won't be that tempted to read fanfictions now =). I've also put a stop to maplestory, with the sole exception of weekends, when I'd allow myself to go on as a reward for following my timetable (which I haven't had the time to make up yet) the entire week =). Like I said, I just hope it works. I've already put most of my distractions aside. Lets hope I can actually stay on course =).

Anyways, I slacked a little today. Came home, felt tired, and fell asleep immediately. I had this bunch of really really REALLY weird dreams. It kept me on the brink between sleeping and wakefulness most of the time. Once again, decided to skip my maths tutorial. I'll probably regret skipping so much maths homework later on, but really. The teacher don't give a damn, and I benefit more from studying and practicing either on my own or with friends. So yeah, I'm a hell of a lot of chapters behind. We're effectively on chapter 22. The last chapter I understood was chapter 18 (-.-"). I really need to put in real effort for maths sooner or later. Preferably sooner. Its a chapter I really have to PRACTICE!

Once again, I'll end off on the note that I *really* have to go to bed. I don't wanna fall asleep in school again and its already late enough, even if we count in the semi-nap I took. Till next time with tonnes of old updates that I *ought* to have posted (like that sushi outing with my friends), tata =).


Blogger Ada said...



If you're on Skype I'll, erm, hyperventilate about him to you.

3:41 AM  

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