Location: Singapore

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Random Update...

Rawr! Lol... just felt like updating for the hell of it =D.

Hmmm, I'm *slightly* behind on my study schedule by 3 maths topics and 2 chemistry topics. No matter, can easily catch up, since I had to rearrange my study schedule to fit in today's Pride-and-Prejudice-Movie-Marathon-Thingy.

What's been happening... hmmm. Nothing much really. Just studying at the Jurong West Library (where they attempt to make us 'comfortable' by adjusting the air-conditioning until it was an artic temperature. It would be good if we were penguins or something). Darren comes along to study with me every now and then, but he doesn't really study much around me for some wierd reason or other. Either he usually doesn't study or I distract him. Maybe its better for us to study on our own in that case?

Oh, yeah, had a P&P Movie marathon. We changed plans and went to Jo's place instead, so we went there, and watched the first 4 discs before SK had to rush off for a class outing and Jo had to go off with her family. So Joshua and I relocated to his place at Bukit Panjang coz I wanted to finish the movie by today. Watched the last two discs at Joshua's house. The whole thing was fun, with snacks and laughter and drinks and total fun at jo's place. She lives in a condo and we used the karaoke room. Really comfy with cushions and sofas and lots of seats etc... =D.

After watching the entire 6-houred epic at 2 different locations, I went to Lot 1 to meet Pear for dinner =D. She already ate, so she watched me eat (-.-"). Since I wasn't too hungry, I just ate some half boiled eggs and toast. I seriously have my eating habits upside-down. Breakfast food for dinner (-.-"). Had a cute and fun chat with pear while eating. Laughed a little, laughed a lot, but it was fun overall =P. But, when I first saw Brian and Pearly at lot 1, they both were sick... Typical. I leave them alone for one week and they come back to me sick. I berated them mildly for it like I usually berate my bro. LOL, then I stopped, coz a light bulb flashed in my head and I realised how much I sounded like a mother =P.

Oh, Joshua and SK were talking about this korean movie. The 200 pounds Beauty. Apparently its really touching, and it has to be. Coz Josh teared at it (or so he tells me) and SK cried. But then again, SK cries when she watched Cars (the animated movie). But Josh teared, and he doesn't really normally show much emotion at movies, so it must have been really touching. I plan to watch it soon, with a huuuge pack of tissues ready incase I start crying =P.

Anyways, my cute little cousin (well... not so little... She's 10...) introduced me to this really cool website =D. =D. Its this place where you can watch Anime =D. So yeah, she got me totally hooked onto this series, Gakuem Alice (aka. Alice Academy). Its a really cute anime, not as deep/bloody/fighty/whatever as most of the anime my friends like, but touching and warm =D. 26 episodes in all. I watched the last of it last night, at 5:30am (-.-"). Had a HELL of a time waking up this morning. But it was worth it, was a GREAT movie =D.

Anyways, that's the first time James had to go off from work before I went off to bed =P. James have been saying that he wanted to appear on my blog entry for some time, so here it is! =D. His debut entry into my very own blog! Happy now? =P. He asked me what he could do to get onto my blog, and here's the answer. Nothing else =). By being the supportive friend (and for that particular period of time, something tentatively more) that he is, he's welcomed to appear on my blog anytime =D. Its even more touching coz he's such a great friend even though I mercilessly e-dumped him online, and yet he continued to show me such great concern and support. I might not say as much to him on MSN, but I truly am sorry about that whole fiasco. I could have handled it more maturely and all, maybe explain more? All I could say was that I was confused and scared of what would happen. After that, we weren't really quite the same. There's some unexplained distance between us that arised from my new status as being attached that I wished wasn't there. Still, He's a true friend and I bless the day that he attacked me online on utopia with his new freak personality just to try it out, then apologised and left his e-mail on my in-game message board =P. Talk about a memorable first meeting eh?

That said and done, I will NOT do more work tonight, coz my brain is partially melted from analysing 6 hours or so of the movie/series/monstrosity. I will slack, chat and play games until tomorrow where I will STUDY and catch the hell up! =D. I will not allow myself to burn out, I can't afford that right now. So yeah, I'll just do my best and see what happens. However, not going to the Movie with the bowlers tomorrow. Just don't feel like going I suppose. I feel like Studying rather than watching a movie with them. I'll just rent the DVD when it comes out =P. Just 3 more weeks and I'll get to relax a fair bit after Mid Years before I kick my butt into gear for Prelims =) (If I Pass My Mid Years, which I bloody well hope I will!)

That's all for the totally random update =P.


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