Location: Singapore

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


First EVER bowling competition today! (TPJC invitational bowl doesn't count!). like w00000000000tz! Had problems sleeping last night, coz like, THE NATIONALS ARE TODAY! Spent like, an hour preparing my stuff, then double checking, then triple checking to make sure that everything is just PERFECT for the morning. Woke up at 5:50am, saw Hikari's msg, arranged to meet her at 6,40am to share a cab to school, and, actually woke up to wash up WITHOUT hitting the snooze button. That's where it all went downhill. Went to the toilet, and felt like throwing my guts up. But, since its the morning, there;s nothing to throw up, but I just felt sooo terrible. After the mandatory washing up, jammed some contacts into my eyes, coz I needed to see the pins and the dots today... not just roughly estimate where they are like I always do. Yadda yadda, got ready, and at 6.15am, was kinda raring to go. But, my body hated me, so I had to rush to the toilet to empty my bowels... thrice -.-". Left the house, grabbed a cab, went to Kari's hse to pick her up, and on the way to school.

Btw, the bowling skirt is kinda short if I wear it at the waist... and it just feels weird to wear it at the hips. Oh well, but its GREAT for bowling though! Absolutely no fear of not being about to slide to my fullest extent. fun fun! Reached school, grabbed some food, then got onto the bus on the way to my FIRST BOWLING COMPETITION LIKE EVER~!. Thankfully, I brought some panadols along, so popped in two on the way there. Wanted to take a nap on the bus, but was too hyped up to do so. I was torn between bouncing off the walls, or sitting in one corner and worry the shit outta myself.

Reached SAFRA Yishun. Yay! Had to rush to the toilet another time though, but better get it all done BEFORE the competition than have these kinda problems interrupt my concentration and focus during the competition. Later on, chatted with coach Jason for a bit, and he joked with me some to get me to loosen up =). Kari nicely watched the bags for us, had a kinda short prep-up meeting, did warm ups, went to lane one, cheered and off we went. btw, Jon was bowling on lane one with his bro... talk about sibling rivalry =P.

I was bowling the singles with Samantha... so I felt a little assured =p. If I screwed up, she'll help me cover up at least. First up, on lane 19, with TJC boys. First 4 frames of mine were all open... I was just that nervous. Bowling is not a safe sport... no way, it can induce heart attacks if you're not careful. Thankfully, the TJC guys was all quite friendly, so I was put at ease, after the first game, it started to feel like a normal bowling game, and not quite the life-or-death bowling competition. I think Sam was more worried and stressed over MY scores than I was =P. She was like *pam, please spare, please spare, don't miss, spare it pam!~* And I'm like *I'll try my best, but its in God's hands, anyways, Have fun!* =P. Maybe I was taking things too lightly? I dunno. I hit 140+ average those 2 games though... was tagging one of the guys.

Next lane shift, went up against CJC guys. OMG! Clean game! I knew it from the start that there's NO WAY I can beat the crap outta them. PLUS, the lanes was super annoying. Left lane was dry-ish... so my ball hooks like mad, either cross-pocket or pin 7. Right lane was wtf... refused to hook. I had to in-swing just to get it anywhere NEAR the 1-3 pocket. So, due to the wtf lanes, I scored like... 120+ average for those 2 games? Wasn't that bad really... my normal trend (kinda) anyways. I expected to hit a low 100/110+ from the 2nd game onwards like I usually do, but was pleasently surprised that I actually did quite a good run. Those 3rd and 4th games was my lowest actually. Last lane shift to bowl next to the TJC girls.

Personally, I prefer to bowl against guys... its more relaxing for me. I try to tag them, I bowl, yay. Don;t know why, I get all agitated with I bowl 'against' girls. Anyways, Told myself that I *have* to beat them. My thoughts was like *fine, last 2 games, use up all your energy pammy! WHACK THOSE PINS!* and I tried to go all out... was thinking that if I miss my 1-3 pocket, can always pray for a cross pocket =P. The lanes wasn't THAT bad, but my release became inconsistent. If my ball doesn't normally go that fast, I would have gotten less... definately. Anyways, ended up with 130+ for the 2 last games.

Overall, my Average was 136 for all 6 games. Total Pinfall for 6 games was 817. It was better than I could have hoped for really... I didn't expect to get so high a game. I didn't exactly hit my frames target (no more than 3 open frames per game... most of my games had 4 open -.-), but I definately hit my scores target (more than 130 average). So, overall, kinda happy with myself. Though I made a few stupid mistakes, scores could have been higher... but oh well. Its the last frame of the last game that I'm slightly riled up about. Its that feeling... you're standing on the approach, all ready, and you get the feeling that yes, this will be a good frame.. you're on your way down, then *wham!*, you're distracted. They switched off the lights of the lanes next to you, and for some unknown reason, you feel distracted, you look up at the lanes to your right, you realised your mistake, you try to find your spot again, but... SHIT! its too late... the ball is about to be released and its too late to stop... it hits your leg and goes totally off course... DAMN!. Yeah, that's what happened. I got distracted, and by the time the thought of stopping and re-starting reached my mind, it was too late. Instead of the 3rd dot where my ball was supposed to go, it went through the middle arrow and veered left by alot. And I missed the spare. Oh well... that was the only one frame I was totally riled up over, But, overall, NO REGRETS! I did my best, it was better than my usual, and w00tz!.

We got back to school, left our bowling bags there, went to eat lunch together. Then, my panadol wore off, and I felt like shit again. The high buzz from the game kinda disappeared during lunch. So I decided to take the rest of the day off, screw lessons, and go home... and so did the rest of 'my family', except Pearly, coz she rocks that way. Jon ended up with a hurt 4th finger (again), Brian and Darren had stomach problems and as for me, my brain went on a roller coaster ride without my body and refuse to get back down. We went to the polyclinic, but the waiting time was 1 hour and 16 mins. I gave up, went home with Kari, went to my own doctor and took two days worth of MC. Apparently, its definately the flu. There's no fever, but the rest of the symptoms are there. I was told to lay off sports (aka. Bowling) for awhile and just to recover. Buuut, I think I'll just screw it and attend tomorrow's training. I have to go to school anyways, there's the chem SPA I have to go through.

Anyways, the singles event is over, and I'm more or less satisfied. Had my first taste of what bowling's REALLY like, and I'm sooo happy over my scores. Like I said, it could have been better, but really, no regrets. I hope this continues for the next 3 sessions. I'm paired up with peiyi for the doubles, so lets hope we'll both rock the house down =).

I'm off to take my medication and to study for both Bio and Chem... till next time =)



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