Location: Singapore

Monday, April 23, 2007


Why am I even updating this blog? its not like people actually come and READ it. Oh well, will update for the sake of updating.

Actually... who am I kidding? this is procrastination at its best. I've a truckload of homework practically SCREAMING at me. *PAM! Do your homework! Pammy! do your WOOOOOOOOOORK!* and I'm practically turning a deaf ear to it.

Well. things between Darren and I have more or less calmed down =). We had a semi-fight a few days after the post, and I made it untimately clear to him, back off or we're through. I think that shocked him to see how much it was affecting me. Oh well, at least I'm not so stressed out by that anymore.

Gran's doing ok-ish. She's getting chemo, and she's feeling sucky some days, but she's taking it well for somebody her age. She's a strong lady, hope she'll be able to hold on. but still, doctors predict that she'll have less than 40% chance of living for more than the next decade. The problem is that I've gotten so used to having senior family members about such that it seems... impossible that there will be a world without them. And yet, what is born will die, death is the one and only requirement of a life. Oh well, just have to make the best of what we have =).

Guess what. I failed my common test. S, U, U, E, C. S for Bio, U for maths and Chem, and E for literature, and C for GP. Oh well. I didn't really study, so I kinda had it coming. Actually, to be more accurate, I studied the night before. As if it helped. I had to go to the principal's office. yippi, always wanted to go there. She offered me a 'third year option', which is basically the nice way of saying *we want you to stay back a year so that your horrendous grades will not pull our average down*. I just told her frankly that I lost motivation, that I didn't study, and that this test was definately not a true reflection of my potential and told her that I'll think about the 3rd year option, but will give a more definate answer in July, after my mid years. I'll really have to study for that. The moment I fail my mid-years, the teachers will be all over me like bees to honey to stay back a year. Oh well, only time will tell, but I will definately try my best.

What else... oh. 2 of my friends got together. It was so so so ssooooooo sweet! *melts*. Wishing them a long and happy relationship =). They;re good for each other.

Oh, we had a bowling tournament the other weekend. Wasn't too bad. My first time bowling at a tournament condition and setting. Got sooooo nervous. Was like *OMG OMG OMG! VJC beside me! MY LEGS HAVE GONE WOBBLY!* -throws a bad pinfall-. *shit... okie... ignore them..* -somehow spares it-.

Wasn't too bad overall. Got 46 out of 98 or smt. Not very good, but considering the fact that I took up bowling as a serious sport a year ago, its not too bad =). Hope I can bowl well in the competition.

Oh, I had GP remedial today. really, I ought to have GP everyday, its just that enlightening. My teacher was once again talking to the class, complaining of our attitude, and tell us that people like us deserve to fail, and if we were to pass by some miraculous save from God, we'll get a crappy pass. Yeah, nice teacher right? It helps me perfect that blank look I use whenever she gets into one of these moods (aka. everyday). Really, she was the one who told us to "not say anything when you have nothing nice to say at all", and she's the one telling us that we're her worse class, we suck, we'll never do well, oh no, we;re less than dirt compared to her oh so precious ACJC/RJC ex-students. Well, tough luck. You're in PJC now, not AC/RJ, so deal with it, stop insulting us and try encouraging us once in a while, it works ten times better than insults.

I skipped chemistry remedial... again. I really can;t be bothered to go. I've been falling into this routine of laziness lately. i think I'm burnt out, and its waaaay too quick for me to get burnt out, but I am. I don't feel like studying, I feel like playing and slacking and reading all day long. Not a nice time to feel like this, but meh. Am feeling so. Notgood, need to kick myself in the butt to get myself motivated. *sigh* I better make a promise to myself. Next weekend, I will come up with a revision schedule. And, I will follow that schedule the best I can. i will drag my friends into studying with me so we can motivated each other. I really need to stop this slacking. its gonna be my undoing.

Okie, there's like, waaaaaay too much to write down, so I'll talk about this one LAST incident before I sign off for today. My friend, pearly, has been having spammers on her blog. As in, these spammers are her classmate and that classmate's friend. (seriously, that classmate has the same chinese name as me, she's disgracing the name dammit). really, I don't see the point of just spending your days reading the blog of a person you don't even like.... and spamming her comments box. In the year of the A lvl exams! Don't they HAVE A LIFE?! *sigh* I'm definately protective of my friends, and seeing these people sprout out rubbish from their mouths, I really feel like meeting them one on one and debate the hell out. We'll see who'll win. If not, physical violence is always fine with me =). I can handle it, can they? but really, some of them need manners pounded into them, and some maturity, a cup of commonsense, a handful of brains, and a pinch of humility. Stir well, serves 5.

Okie, I really REALLY have to get going to do my work. its 11.40pm and I'm so many things to do. Will update whenever I feel like it =)


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