Location: Singapore

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Update~! (a long loooong update)

Darn it, Haven't updated since the first bowling competition... procrastination as per usual...

Well, the doubles didn't go as well as I wanted it to. Was paired with Peiyi... lets just say that peiyi and I have our differences. We get along nicely enough at superficial level. but deep inside, probably not. We just don't have much to say to each other, and for some weird reason, our guard comes up the moment we start chatting to each other. Maybe we just don't click. Anyways, Doubles was a pretty disheartening affair. Peiyi kept going to Kelly's and Diana's lanes to go talk to them. I didn't do well the first 2 games and felt that Peiyi was Disappointed in me or something. Maybe her cool attitude coupled with my disappointment led to such conclusion. Nevertheless, the first two games wasn't good. I actually wanted to cry after my 2nd game, the feeling of disappointment and fear that I'll not do well was so powerful that I believed I teared a little.

However, PEARLY came to the rescue =). She was there, she hugged me and told me to take each new game with a new mindset, its a new game and a new start. I took those words to heart for the remaining of the competition. As luck would have it, for the 3rd game, I bowled a personal best of 196. It was SO CLOSE to a 200. I opened one measly frame coz I was unable to spare pin 10. My last frame, I spared it, and needed a 7 to get 200... but I was too nervous, shaking all the way at the approach. I jerked, as opposed to my usual fluent swing, and the ball went off course. I ought to be thankful that it remained on the lanes. Oh well, 196 was good =). Now I have a new target to work towards, 200. If mom can hit 205 with house ball and house shoes, I ought to be able to hit a simple 200 with my own ball and my own shoes right? (I hope). Anyways, that one lovely high game (in my personal standards) bought my mood up. as well as Kari screaming at the back =). My next few games wasn't that good, but it wasn';t that bad either. I ended the doubles with an average of 133 thereabouts. My 196 game really helped pull the others up.

After Doubles, we went to northpoint for some foooooood. Benjamin, Guo Min, Darren, Hikari, Brian, Pearly and myself. Jon had to rush off somewhere or other. We went to Delifrance for Dinner, but Brian and Pearly went off elsewhere after depositing their bowling bags with us. So, it was just the 5 of us there. The food was in HUGE portions, and yeah, totally yummy. Expensive, but once in a blue moon's fine enough =).

Now, I shall fast forward to the TEAMS event! Personally, I really prefer the singles and doubles type of games. 6 (relatively) fast games in a row. I'm a fast player =). The first day, I didn't do so bad, didn't do so good either. Ended up with a 120+ average... didn't exactly hit my 135 average target. But, having the teams event was a nice changed from the doubles. The atmosphere was much much more friendly and I was able to relax more... until the CJC girls came... The CJC girls were situated to our right, the ACS(I) supporters to the left... it was surround sound cheering. What peeved me was the CJC girls really. They were screaming for their team, fine, but the things they say was just plain ugh and distracted me to no end. When anybody (other then their precious CJC boys) was bowling, they stand there, and started screaming for that person to hit the gutter... and when they don't strike, they congratulate each other coz its one less strike for the 'opposing teams'. Personally, I feel that this kind of behaviour totally ruins their image, shows them to be petty people, and really shouldn't happen. ESPECIALLY since CJC boys was bowling next to GIRLS, and the boys and girls are ranked differently, so how us girls do won't affect them.

However, there was some cute things happening, like Yumin and Sam covering the screen with a cloth so we won't look at the scores, supposedly staring at the scores affects our performance. I wasn't sure how true that was, coz we were 'against' MI, and there wasn't any pressure from them (not to be evil, but truthfully, we kinda pwned them...) and to our right was ACS(I), and they were much much too far ahead for me to tag. I didn't want to 'compete' with my teammates coz its just not that right, so I tried out a new method of going against myself really. I'd still prefer to play alongside guys though, I like tagging them =P. Dispite the cloth, I found myself still looking at the scores, its just habit. If my scores is bad, I have motivation to do better, if its good, I'd aim for a good score. The only dangers was if I got totally depressed, which I do sometimes.

Anyways, after the first day of teams and my not so impressive average, I helped pearly sort out her problem with brian. It was plain to anybody with eyes. Both of them are miserable after the incident and it was just breaking my heart. So I persuaded Pearly to tell me what's wrong. She cried on my shoulders for a time, but when I got the whole story, it was this *OMG* feeling. I had the exact same problem with Darren near the beginning of our relationship and I knew EXACTLY how Pearly felt. I talked to her about it and hopefully, she felt better after that. Seeing brian and pearly, sometimes I just get feeling of deja vu. Their 'story', as in the way they got together and some of the problems they encountered are really similiar to what Darren and I encounter.

The last day of the bowling competition came by. It was the morning, so no fear for silly CJC girls to throw me off my concentration. It didn't go that well either, but the mood was the lightest, us knowing that its the LAST day. Kari baked bundung Cupcakes =). My team ate a few and went on a hiiiigh =P. we were screaming bundung cupcakes here and there =P. Fun though, kept us from being too drawn into the seriousness of the competition. We were also making fun of the CJC and the ACS(I) boys. They were having a mini competition to see who could scream the loudest. So both teams was trying to get spares or strikes so they can attempt to out-scream the other. It was amusing to see them at it =P. After the competition, Darren got a little peeved about his scores, so I ran after him to console him. Then we had a team meeting, where we really felt the impact that this was the LAST, that's it, No more competition. The event that we spent 1 year training for was over. No more 2nd chance, no repeats. After they broke up, I cried in darren's shoulders as the impact really hit me. There was so many regrets. If I trained harder, I could have spared pin 10, which I kept missing. If I trained harder, I won't keep missing my head pin. Missing the head pin was the main problem this competition. I would have striked so many times if I only didn't miss the head pin. I left pins 1 and 2 standing there countless times.

However, I learnt so many things from this competition that I wished I'd've learnt earlier. These 'lessons' would definately have helped me in this competition if I had learnt them earlier, but nevertheless, I have learnt them. For example, I learnt truely how important spares are. I always thought that strikes was way more important so I could screw the spares and focus on striking. But spares are truely important, they make such a difference. I learnt how important the stupid head pin is. I learnt how to bowl under pressure. This bowling competition was truely a learning experience and I came out all the more better for it.

Now... after the competition (which ended on thursday), I had to work at the naval base! and WOW~ are the guys there HOT! 0.o. Oogle Galore! It was frickingly early though. Had to be at Expo MRT Station at 7am, meaning I had to be at Boon Lay MRT Station by 6am, meaning I had to leave my house by 5.30am, meaning I had to get my lazy butt off my bed at 4.45am. I was toying with the idea of just not sleeping before I realised that I didn't want to die =P. First day, dad fetched brian, pearly and myself there, after mom found out how early I had to leave. At that time, we still didn't know what was going on, only that we had a gamesmaster duty. We assumed it was at Expo convention hall since we were to meet at Expo MRT station. Pearly and I even brought our jackets in case it got cold -.-. Nicholas (Marcus' Brother), met up with us at 7am... gave us our tags and told us that we're helping out the navy for their open house. We were all bundled off in their cars towards the Changi Naval Base. Went there, I got assigned a station. Basically take Rush hour, replace the cars with ships, and expand the board 20 times and thats it =). It was fun. teaching the divers, the navy people and their families, and the kids how to play. We had to time them =P.

After that first day, our legs was one solid ache. Went for dinner at lot 1, and went home to shower and faint on my bed. Second day (saturday) was MUCH MUCH more busier coz it was opened to public, as opposed to Friday when only the navy personnel family members came over. Darren even came that day, coz Alina didn't want to come anymore. Kelvin came this time... he overslept on friday coz he assumed that we were meeting at 7PM (-.-"). Edwin was there again, and so was the rest of the people, Rebecca et al. Pearly originally wanted to play their water games, but I didn't bring my towel and extra clothes. So, in the end, nah, no water games.

The last day, I woke up with a headache, but after sms-ing brian a fair bit, decided to get my ass there. So, I ate some medication to sooth the headache, went to my dad's room to find him awake and begged him to drive me there, then slowly got ready to go. We picked up brian and pearly again coz they were as tired as I was. Last day was the easier than Saturday. Once again, i didn't bring my towel and extra clothing, i decided that I didn't want to plunge into the SUPER SALTY Sea for fun =P. The morning was so slacked that Pearly and I asked for permission to walk around, catch the first show and enjoy a little before the crowds came in, we were granted permission and off we went. We saw the naval divers practice their drills/performance item... OMG! they were SHIRTLESS! WEARING SMALL TINY SHORTS! Our eyeballs nearly popped out =P. So, being female, we sat down on the stands to appreciate the view before us. Sweat soaked hot male bodies in small shorts. mmmmm =P. But yeah, afterwards, faithfully went back to the stalls to help out. Rebecca and her friend disappeared during the busiest period to 'buy drinks' which took them 1.5 hours apparently... the drinks store must have been at sea, so they must have had to swim all the way there or something. I was sooo peeved, coz I was handling 2 stations at once because they. didn;t. come. back... until the crowd had thin. so yeah, was totally VEXED at their actions.

Anyways, the working experience earned me some cash, a few puzzles, lots of experience and lots of memories =D...

After the open house on the last day, Darren and I hitched a ride on Nicholas' car to Darren's place, where I did my chemistry homework in preparation for monday's lessons (yeah, tight schedule wasn't it?). Reached home at 11+, showered and fell asleep.

On Monday, went to school at 9am... found out that my biology lecture was cancelled and postponed to wednesday and that nobody told me (-.-"). Sat around at the concourse until 12.30. Darren came earlier, chatted with me, then went to class, then Yumin came and we talked about the bowling competition and how sad we're feeling for a while. Marcus also came to chit chat. The chemistry lesson was not too bad. She enforced some concepts, gave us some practice questions, some answers and told us to go for the mock practice as it will be VERY important. After that, went home to change, came out again and went to Marina Bay for Weilin's birthday Celebration. Steamboat. Wasn't bad but it wasn't the best either. BUT, I did have fun with the class, so it wasn't bad. After the dinner, went to the arcade, The guys played DotA. I went to play some games with Joshua, and this guitar hero game. FUN! But I sucked.

Tuesday, I slacked. I admit, I slacked coz I wanted free time, so I read some fanfics, just laze about. Wednesday, I went back to school for Biology, afterwhich, was at a dilemma on whether to watch a movie. In the end, joshua went to watch Shrek 3 on his own coz I wanted to watch it with my bro and my cousin. Went home, maor slacking again =P. Just chatted to people online, read some books, read some fanfics, the usual.

Thursday, MAJOR BAKING DAY! =D. I went out to the supermarket with my bro and my cousin, bought a truckload of baking ingredients and materials, and baked =D. Made about 50 muffins, and about 150 of those little chocolate pops thing.

On Friday, I went to CCK to supposedly go to Brian's house to study. We realised that we haven't yet bought Kari;s present, so we went to the pet store, and got HAMSTERS! Yeah, got 2 cute little hammies. Bought the cage, nesting and food as well coz we weren't that sure if Kari has it. I knew Kari wanted to b surprised, but theres some things that you really need to tell her that she's gonna get, just to prepare her for it. Brought the hamsters to Brian's house where we played with them for a bit. we got 2 males. We learnt how to differentiate the hamsters. One of them has very slightly darker fur on his lower back. I first suggested Tom and Jerry =P. But we finally agreed that their temporary names will be X and O... after the XO team =P. Also, the hamsters can actually form X and O =P. O likes to curl up into a ball and X climbs the cage alot, so they actually form the letters to a certain extent. Ate dinner at Brian's house, and bought the hammies home. Chatted to Kari before going off to bed.

On Saturday! Kari's PARTY! =D. Woke up, played with the hamsters for a bit, came online, where I helped kari to name her new hamsters. I originally suggested Xavier and Oliver, coz oliver sounds like the name of a mellow, tame fellow, and Xavier is a cool, hyperactive name, kinda like the hamsters. Also, there's XO as their initials =D. Finally decided on Xavier and Oberon. Cute names =D. Darren came over with his ice box to help me carry the food by stuffing everything into the ice-box. we took a cab down to fort canning. Saw kari, passed her the hamsters. Waited for the others by eating the tuna and salmon crackers (We were HUNGRY!). The party wasn't one of those traditional parties with whatevers. We had fun talking, chatting, doing stupid things like fitting 7 people on the swing... (Sam, Jon and Brian climbed on top, Pearly, Marcus, Darren and I sat at the seats for the swings), or kicking the heavy door open (like really kicking...flying kicks... I would have joined them if I hadn't worn heels there), taking tonnes of pictures and so on. Dusk came, and we TOOK OUT THE LIGHT STICKS =D. Fun fun! All glow-in-the-dark fun =). Kari's friends are (there's no other word for it) COOL! Megah came with an AFRO! Wowism! Her friends are really nice and cool, seriously. GM & Kaichi had to leave earlier, and Brian and Pearly left quite a while after them. After the fun fun hugging/massdance/fundance/wateverdance, we settled down to play a game of truth or dare.

Some of the dares are funny, like to make the best orgasmic moans, or to dirty dance etc... I picked dare and ended up having to french Darren for 30 seconds, but we were laughing half the time coz Megah was screaming instructions at Darren to move his hands elsewhere, but Darren was a good boy. His hands stayed at my waist =P. Other Dares include Sam to kiss me on the lips, or me to kiss Megah on the cheeks, or some other kissing stuff, coz we progressed to kissing near the end. Like somebody spins the bottle, and whoever the bottle lands on, the person has to kiss, and the kissed person now spins the bottle to see who s/he will kiss =P. Was soooo funny =D.

Anyways, Took the red line home (which is uber long) in order to keep Darren and Samantha company... reached home at 20 past midnight. I hate going home after 11pm... its just so dark and scary. It doesn't help that gangs sometimes hang arnd my area after dark. Thankfully, nth happened, So I happily went home, came online for a bit before sleeping.

Wow!~ There really was a HELL LOT to update between my last post to now. yeah, have been busy =P. Now, I have a super revision schedule that I really have to follow if I want to finish revising by mid-years. It has taken me 1 hour 10 mins to type this monstrous post =P. Will update more, probably after Mid Years, coz I don't see any interesting events happening in the next few weeks of revising. Fun time over, study!

I shall study my heart out this 2 weeks and see what I can truely do~!


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