Location: Singapore

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Lethargy =S.

*holds back a scream of fustration*

I've been feeling lethargic as hell today. Argh! Woke up at about 1pm, which by itself is unusual enough. I've been waking up at 10-ish the past week or so, no matter what time I slept. This is the first time I woke up past noon for whatever reasons. Woke up coz my gran was practically screaming at me to wake up and eat my lunch before it gets stone cold.

After lunch, I came online, and didn't have the mood to do much. I played the CSI game and finished the last case (there's only 5). However, instead of the quiet, eager anticipation I usually experience when playing the game at my (sometimes) feeble attempt to guess for myself who the evil murderer is, this time, the last case, I just experienced fustration. Like I wanted to finish the game ASAP and I couldn't be bothered to analyse it. Instead of shifting my attention to another angle of the case when I hit a dead end, this time, I felt royally peeved off.

After I (un)happily finished the game, I wasn't even in the mood to surf the web/chat/do anything online (which is so.. not normal..), I just crawled into my room and read my book. Darren texted me for a bit using pearly's phone coz his ran out of battery (again.. he never charges his phone...). But really, I just felt UGH thoughout the day. I fell asleep while reading the book at around 4pm, and woke up at 8pm for dinner. Still felt like shit and didn't even want to THINK about doing my revision today (even though I *am* a few chapters behind). I am soooo gonna regret this tomorrow when I get my ass outta bed.

Watched something on Animal Planet about Endangered bears, watched the news. There was some home news about a group of guys being arrested for wanting to join the terrorist group and plotting to crash a plane into Changi Airport. That got me thinking a little. This little news can be used in my GP essay, either on the topic of terrorism (for obvious reasons), or Internet. The News dubbed it as "Self-Radicalisation". Basically, these men read some articles online, found some truth in it and decided to try to join the JI. Really Clever, but then again, they did mention that it gets personal when they mask terrorism with religion. Still, this brings about a bad name to some Muslims.

I have some really good friends who are muslims and I doubt they'll start planning a massacre when they read articles online about these things. We may try to hide it, but its true that we're not as colour-blind as the government wants us to be. Chinese people are the major race here and some chinese still look down on Muslims/Malays. This is definately unfair, but its how life is I suppose. I always have to hold my tongue whenever I hear those old ladies at the marketplace make a slight at the malay race. Its just annoying to hear such racist comments, especially after I have experienced the darker side of racism myself in the UK. But I am ashamed to admit that I do get freaked out when I see dark-skinned male youths hanging around my block at night, drinking beer and smoking when I get home late from an outing or something. But then again, I get freaked out if chinese guys are hanging around doing the same thing too, just I get more worried if they're dark skinned.

Maybe these uneasy feeling came from a slightly trumatic experience some time ago. There was a fight at the void deck below my house. I reached home at 3-ish pm, everything was peachy normal. I came back down at 6pm with the intent to buy something or other from the shop nearby, and when the door of the lift opened, I saw red - literally. There was a few blood pools and a hell lot of blood splatters on the floor. My first thought was that somebody got murdered. But then I saw TWO large distinct blood pools and 2 trails leading away from the 2 biggest blood pool, I assumed that a fight had taken place. Either way, I wasn't going to stay there and stare, I just jammed the button to my floor without even stepping out of the lift. The police came round later that evening with their dogs to sniff out the trail. Later on, we learnt that 2 bangladash national males (who were working at a construction site nearby) were in a fight over a woman or something. Either way, seeing so much blood on the floor (where it really should have been in somebody's body) was not a very nice experience. Blood doesn;t freak me out, it was the thought of the wounds that must have been inflicted to cause such blood loss that freaked me out. I don't get scared of blood, I get scared of really ugly, painful looking wounds. This is exactly why I can't be a doctor. I'm fine with blood, I just can't bear to imagine the pain the other person is going through with nasty looking wounds.

ANYWAYS, lets get back on track. Other than the *they're giving other muslims/malay a bad name* reaction I got from the news, I thought of the book by George Orwell, titled 1984, about a society where everybody's move was watched by "Big Brother", and how the government there cover up the arrests of opposition or the people they didn't like by telling tales of their treason against the country and how they're terrorists/going against the country. I doubt Singapore would do this, but it was just a thought. All our information we get is mainly from the media, and the media is controlled by the government. How do we know what's the truth and what's glorified and what's being glossed over? We assume its the truth because the media is a supposedly reliable source and we're taught to believe it. However, they could easily lie to us. Needless to say, I went into an internal dialogue on what is the truth.

After the news (and several internal debate), I watched a few other documentaries on the Discovery Channel about crime (Its Friday Night - Crime Night). Learnt that crime solving isn't as wonderful and easy as it looks, especially before DNA tracing came about.

All in all, a really UGH day. Didn't feel like getting up, slept way too much and still feel sleepy. Missed a whole day's of revision (Today was supposed to b 3 biology chapters. Genetics of Viruses, Genetics of Bacteria, and the Control and Organisation of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Genome). I really think I will regret it tomorrow, but I can't really be beeswaxed right now. Either I;m just experiencing a bad, really lethargic day, or I am about to fall sick and my body is trying to take preventive measures by making me rest and produce more white blood cells.

*sigh*. You know things are really bad when I blogged more this week than I did the past month.


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