Location: Singapore

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Exams, Exams and even more Exams...

I need more memory space in my brain. Really, I do, there's simply not enough time, nor brain power, for me to finish all my revision on time. My brain feels like giving up.

Tuesday, chem paper. Didn't finish on time. Some stupid chinese teacher was standing right in front of the gigantic digital clock in front of the hall. As a result, I can't see the bliming time. I have the worse luck in the world.

Wednesday, Maths paper. I expected the usual routine. Get the paper, stare at it, try to do as much as I can, and finished up those I can do only to realised that I had 1.5 hours left (out of the 3 houred paper) and that I was seriously screwed. This time was different. I did as many as I could, and for the first time in JC life, I didn't have enough time to finish my maths paper. There wasn't any idling sitting about stabbing my calculator in hopes that I'll get a nice answer. I'm not sure how maths went. Its the same old story. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

Now, I'm doing biology (oh what joy... if you can't detect the sacarsm, we need to converse more). Its not that bad actually. Biology is easy enough to understand. The only problem is the sheer amount of memorising we have to do. My brain isn't meant to work like this, unlike my computer, I can't update RAM/ROM, I can't increase memory space. I'm screwed really. Oh what fun.

I'm screwed. Royally screwed. I got my ass handed back to me on a silver platter by my exam papers, and I've 6 more papers to go. Like I said, hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

Oh a completely unrelated note, my friends (who takes physics paper) were roaming around lot 1 today. They passed by popular and realised something really interesting. They were selling Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. HARRY POTTER BOOK 7! They're selling it one month before the release date. I don;t know if they're just blantantly disregarding the release date and started selling the books the moment they recieved them, or its an error made on the CCK branch of the popular store. Perhaps some poor confused fellow who's been living under a rock the past few decades assumed that since they've recieved the book, they're entitled to sell it. I hope that they're still selling it tomorrow, so I can grab a copy after my Biology test. BUT, I won't be reading it until after my exams. I'm not sure how effective it will be for motivating me to study, but I *need* to read the last book and find out once and for all what's the end of the story. I just hope that they're still selling it tomorrow. I want my Book!

I'll end this post on that note. I've about 9 more chapters of Biology to study, Including the dreaded Photosynthesis and Respiration chapters. The sole reason for the existance of such chapters is to murder us poor JC students by inducing heart attacks, or strokes, or hypertension. This education system serves to find its best students by killing off the weaker ones with stress.


Blogger Ada said...


Just kidding.

Maybe not.


11:50 PM  

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