Location: Singapore

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Exams Tomorrow! EEP!

So, yeah. Its the dreaded day. The doomsday has finally come. MID YEAR EXAMS IS UPON US! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!! BEFORE IT GETS YOU TOO!

Okay, okay, I went a teeny weeny little bit overboard. But Mid Year Exams (Henceforth known as MYE) is upon us poor souls at PJC. The stupid thing is that I actually studied for this thing. I didn't even study for my O levels much, and here I am, in JC, and STUDYING! *gasp*

Yeah, its stupid. But even more troubling news. I find it fun! Yes yes, I ought to be booked into the nearest mental health hospital right this very moment. But I've been slightly insane for the past 18 years, so its no biggie that I've start realise that I'm a little whacked now. (but but but, the VOICES IN MY HEAD TELLS ME I'M SANE!!)

Okay, maybe I'm just a little (very little) bit stressed and just a very tiny (absolutely miniscule) bit freaked out by my impending doom (though I hope that I'm totally wrong on this).

*takes deep breath*. Okay. Exams start tomorrow. The first paper is one of the two papers I haven't studied for so far. GP. General Paper. Its the death of us all. It requires one to read the newspaper daily (I haven't even TOUCHED a newspaper in MONTHS), and to watch the news daily (I've only watched the news ONCE these past 4 weeks), and to write well informed, eloquent and intelligent articles on one of the twelve topics we're given. Its a risk. I'm hoping that there's a question in there somewhere that relates to marriage/family/abortion or any of the things where I can make assumptions and get away with it. I need topics that deals largey on emotions, so I can be the typical me and start talking about emotions rather than cold hard facts. So instead of saying "xx% of women feels upset and guilty over the abortion of their child", I could write "A large number of women may feel guilty over the abortion of their child in years to come". So, technically, I'm not lying. AND, its common knowledge that women do feel empty/depressed after going through an abortion. However, my grammar, vocab and my spelling sucks. Totally and absolutely sucks. Its horrendous, terrible, just plain bad. (yeah, I ran outta words to use =P)

By right, I've finished revising for chemistry and is now ready to kick balls. By left, I can't do my mock exam paper 0.o. Meaning, I'm gonna get my ass handed back to me on a silver platter on tuesday by the chemistry paper 3. I feel so loved by chemistry.

I suppose this is the best I'll ever be. I have no regrets of the past few weeks. Actually, I lied. I have a few, but this is no time to be thinking of (What if I studied more last last wednesday? or or or, if I didn't slack the whole day away last weekend?). I can 'what if' myself to death and it won't do a thing. Panicking damages your brain. I'm not gonna panic. I'm just going to do my best these 2 weeks and just hope for the best. Hope that I could pull my grades up to a C/D average. I'll work on my A's and B's for prelims. I just need to know that my basics is already there. That's it for now. Just hope for the best and pray that I'll do well. I did my part, the rest is in God's hands. I *might* be providing updates on my papers. Still unsure. Now, we'll just sit tight and see how the next two weeks will turn out to be. Good luck to all my friends (be it internet friends or RL friends), who are either taking their exams, or are going through tough times. God will never ever put you through something that He doesn't think you can pull through. Just do your best and nobody can think any worse of you. Good Luck to all! =).

And for those who are not religious, just do your best yeah? You can't do any better than your best, and if fate wants to be a bitch, then so be in. If life throws you lemons, make lemonade. If life throws you rocks, aim a bazooka right back at life and just shoot =P. Don't let past mistakes pull you down. (Wise/brave-but-stupid words from the person about to face the gallows =P)


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