Location: Singapore

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Relationships, of all sorts.

I may not be a guru on relationships. However, there's a few simple facts that I truly believe in.

Relationships take time. You need to take time for each other, you need to take time to get used to each other, and you need to take time to work out disagreements. You need time to create memories that would last a lifetime.

Relationships are full of give and take. It may seem that you're giving way more than you're taking at the beginning (for either or both parties), but hang in there. The rewards you'll reap is more than its worth.

Relationships is about sharing. You're sharing your time with each other. You're sharing your affection with each other. You're sharing both good and bad times together. Sharing good times doubles it. Sharing bad times halves it.

Relationships is about communication. Talk to each other, reassure each other. We cannot read each other's minds. Talk and be heard and understood. Listen and be understanding and accepting.

Relationships is about trust. Trust each other with your hearts. Trust each other with your emotions and well being. Trust each other to be faithful and do not do them the discredit of doubting them.

Relationships is about acceptance. Accepting that there is never a "Perfect" person. Accepting the person for who they are, and most importantly, accepting yourself for who you are. You may compromise, but you should never ever hide your true self.

Relationships is about love. Be it Platonic Love or more, its about love nonetheless. The willingness to help, cherish and care for each other.

Relationships is about tolerance. Tolerate each other's bad points and their occasional laspe into the void of emotional weakness by supporting them as much as possible.

Relationships is about honesty. Be honest about the way you feel and the way the other person makes you feel, but don't be hurtful about it. Be honest to yourself. To quote an old cliche line, Honesty is the best Policy.

When I mention relationships, it is not only between a couple, it is for all types of relationships. Be it between friends, or family members, or married couples. These are the things I try to follow the best i can regarding every relationship I have. With my parents, siblings and my extended family. With my friends, both old and new. All relationships needs work, and that's what makes them all the more worthwhile. That you put in the effort and risks and it still came out wonderful. If at the end of our lives, we could count anymore than 3 great friends, we are blessed indeed.

Now, the reason for this post was brought upon by several factors. The most recent being the problem that arises between two very close and dear friends of mine. I just wish them all the best in sorting out their problem. It breaks my heart to see them so at odds with each other. The second, just as recent factor is the marriage of my uncle, Elgin, and his new wife, Leanne.

Elgin is technically my uncle. He is also merely 9 years older than I. My dad's first cousin. But my grandad is the 5th out of 7 children, so there's alot of first cousins in my father's generation and even more 2nd cousins in my generation, with many more to come. He was already married by law in Brisbane, Australia a month earlier. However, Elgin and Leanne came back to Singapore to celebrate it with us, the super extended family. The church wedding was beautiful. Simply beautiful and serene. They were both nervous, it was very obvious, but they both made it through fine. The Wedding Dinner was even more fun. There were alot of touching moments. I'm not particularly close with my relatives on my dad's side of the family, and I haven;t seen Elgin in YEARS, possibly more than a Decade, but for some reason, I remembered him quite well. Such events, with the presence of most of the extended family, makes me wonder why we don't have family reunions more often, until I remember exactly how many of us there are. The MC called for a Mr. Lam during the wedding Dinner. There was too many in the room to count. There's about 5 Mr. Lams Present from my granddad's generation. An Additional (thinks) 7-9 from my dad's generation. And about... (thinks) 11 from my current generation. Let's not even think about the Ms. Lams. There's way too many Lams in that ballroom. Not to mention exactly 2 Pamela Lams and 2 Nicholas Lams.

Its ironic, I know. My granddad's twin brother's grandchildren. We weren't exactly in contact when my bro and I were born due to some family issue I never really asked about. But suffice to say, both parents was extremely surprised when, during the first reunion together, lo and behold, two of the same name. Ironically, the other set of Pamela and Nicholas are also siblings. The other Nicholas is about the same age as I am, and the other Pamela is the same age as my brother. Doesn't this just makes your head spin? =P.

Anyways, had a lovely dinner with the super extended family. After the whole thing, my mom, bro, uncle, granddad and I went to the KTV lounge for a few drinks, and in the case of my mom, uncle and myself, a few drinking games. It was fine overall, dispite the fight that almost broke out on the next table and that some american guys tried to flirt with me while I was outside the restrooms waiting for my brother to come out. They really need better pick-up lines. I knew the counter to all the lines used on me. Sad isn;t it? For them that is.

Anyways, in terms of schoolwork... Biology exam was do-able, but I won't put my hopes up. Exams have this nasty habit of failing me when I'm expecting a pass and crushing my hopes in the process. I just do what I can do - Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worse. There's a Mathematics Exam for me in merely 7 hours, and I still have a chapter to study, so I'll be going off to study now =P. I've procrastinated long enough.


Blogger Ada said...

I kept reading the paragraph with the 2 Pams and Nics because my head kept spinning.

12:54 PM  

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