Location: Singapore

Monday, October 15, 2007

sick... UGH

So yeah, crappy things happened. But I shall remain OPTIMISTIC DAMMIT!

So... I'm sick. I'm sneezing left right and centre atm. The flu virus loves me. Actually, its the Influenze virus, and its from the Adenovirus groups, and I need to stop sprouting out my bio notes -.-. Anyways, yeah, Yay to the flu virus? I've been waiting for it actually. I've been feeling like crap the past few week, headachy, lethargic as hell, lack of concentration etc. Its the hovering in between well and unwell feeling and it SUCKS. Especially since it means that I haven't been studying in the past week. Well, I tried, but its not like its effective or anything. I'm just gonna let this illness come. I can't be bothered trying to fend it off when all it means is that I'm stuck between well and unwell, and I can't study anyways. I'm gonna let it come, and the faster it hits, the faster it leaves. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish my revision in time. I've lost a hell lot of time as it is.

Other than that, I've sprained my ankle! Whee~. Basically, was playing with my bro in the bedroom. The usual pillow fight and tackling each other on the bed and such, haven't played like this with him for AGES. So yeah, just jumping around, landing on each other, hitting each other with pillows etc (and guys wonder why I'm so rough =P). Anyways, while playing, my bro tackled me off the bed, and I landed wrongly on my right foot, and with HIS weight AND mine, yeah, there was this lovely CRACK sound, and my ankle got twisted. Oh joy. I'll just have to hobble around for the next few days.

So, this is the perfect situation. Flu AND a twisted ankle, I love my life. Worse thing is, its Kenneth's birthday tomorrow. AND, we're supposed to be going to cineleisure's K-box to celebrate. BUT, I can't now, coz not only can I not walk without killing myself with pain, I'm sneezing as well. Oh well. Lets hope the flu goes away REALLY QUICKLY and I can get back to torturing my mind with revision.


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