Location: Singapore

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


LOL, noticed that I had loads of negative posts lately. Probably due to the dark presence of A lvls looming behind me.

27 more days!! *screams*

I planned my revision timetable, supposedly, if all goes well, I'll finish revising everything by the 24th October, giving me a week (not counting GP, as if I'm gonna revise GP -.-) before the main paper really hits me on the head. That one week is like a buffer period, coz I think I might not be able to follow my schedule to the dot. Its optimism at its best =P.

Anyways, my prelim results came back.. Screwed is the only way to describe it. BUUUU (for those who don't know, U is like F... basically it stands for Undergraded. Its 34% and below =P). So yeah, Got B for GP, though that's not much of a surprise. I'd go kill myself if I failed English.

The U's are for my other subjects -.-. Mathematics was atrocious. 19%?! LOL, I haven't hit 19% since A.maths in sec 3! Literature, well, its the first time I EVER failed literature. 5/25 for unseen poetry (granted, I only had 15 mins to write that essay, so its my fault really :P), 7/25 for Pride and prejudice essay (and I really thought that I did well on that!) and 13/25 for my Othello Essay. 30.5% for Chemistry and 20.5% for Biology. Basically, I'm in deeeeep shit.

I'm so tired out recently... Half of me wants to give up right now and just say screw it, maybe I'm not cut out for further studies. The other half of me is currently berating me for even THINKING about giving up. I supposed its just 4 weeks left, so may as well go all out for it, regretting about it after the exams is gonna be one sucky feeling. Especially that "what if" scenario.

Oh well, its just the last stretch, I may as well go all out, but its hard telling yourself that when you've been sleeping less than 3 hours each night and when you study so much you start dreaming about exams.

I'll have to thank the teachers though. I've let myself slack ever since I came back to Singapore. The education system here makes studying hell, it makes studying more of a chore. For somebody who spent 6 years with the UK education system where they actually make learning FUN, it was a hard switch. I didn't do my homework, I dozed off half of the time in class, and I just spaced out the other half of the time. Yet, for my horrendous results, the teachers have been giving me nothing but encouragement, showing statistics of those who have gotten straight A's after getting a failing grade during prelims. They encouraged us not to give up, even though, in my opinion, they have the perfect right to give up on us. I felt that I haven't shown my teachers the respect they deserved. I was not attentive, I didn't do their work, and yet, they REFUSED TO GIVE UP ON US. Really, if they did, I wouldn't have blamed them one bit, coz we would have deserved it.

Anyways, 4 weeks left. Just one last mad dash now. I hope I can do well. 2 years of sometimes suicidal hard work, reduced to one final showdown, the A levels exams, in just 4 weeks. Good luck to everybody taking A levels alongside me. Lets hope we can all do well. Hope is the only thing that keeps me going.


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