Location: Singapore

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Away to the Negative Thoughts!

Lol, I realised my posts were kinda desperate/negative/upsetting lately.  Guess its the stress getting to all of us.  I could sense the tension in school, and its so thick that I would have thought it possible to be sliced with a knife.

Anyways, this is the last week of school.  The absolute last week.  After this, no more official lessons.  No more dozing off in class (coz I won't be in class in the first place). No more meeting up with friends.  No more teasing the guys in class.  Its going to be so weird.  I've grown to love PJC and its sad that in a few days, I'll be 'leaving' the college.  I'll be back for exams, I'll be back to take my results next February, but I won't be a student in PJC anymore.  Its kinda sad in a sense.  I've never really felt so comfortable in a school before.  Other than the severe stress I've been under the past year I was at PJ, its still a great school.  

Now, Its time for me to face reality.  I can try till the cows come home, but I doubt I'll be able to finish all the revision in time.  So, its time to study smart.  Screw the notes, TYS is now my new best friend for the next 5 weeks or so.

I *have* to remain positive.  I can't allow myself to give up SO CLOSE to the finishing line.  Its not like I can retain even if I wanted to.  I'll just have to do reeeeally well.  If my friend could get from a UUU to an ABC, I could do it too!  *banish all negative thoughts*.  I really really need to immerse myself in a pool of positivity.  Which is getting harder, when I see all those people who naturally score higher than me panic like hell.  Oh well.  I know myself best, and I hope I haven't 'killed' myself in the sense of too much slacking.  Yet again, give the choice, I won't have done anything all that different.  I'm not much of a consistent worker after all.  To force myself to be consistent and a mugger is just gonna send me into another wave of depression, and I seriously don't need that right now.  Last year was bad enough.

[rant] Anyways, the HEAT LATELY IS KILLING ME!  I've never felt so stifled by the heat since, EVER!  Yeah, the heat is basically killing my studying and sleeping patterns lately.  I think the heat is getting worse and worse.  Even when it rains, it gets back to the usual hot, humid, killing heat.  Kinda like putting droplets of water on a heated pan.  I suspect that I'm having such an adversed reaction to the weather is partly due to the fact that I spend 6 years of my life in a relatively cold climate.  Still, this kinda of weather is terrible.  I've been spending the last few days feeling dizzy and sick with a raging headache.  Drank loads of water, still felt UGH.  Couldn't concentrate, mind feels foggy.  As a result, my planned studying time from (average) 4pm to 8pm in school and 10pm till 1am at home has been reduced to 9pm till 3am.  Its wrecking havoc on my non-existant sleep cycle.    I REALLY hope the weather gets better soon! [/rant]

Anyways, I've overshot my blogging time (partially due to the STILL hot and sticky weather, and hence, I still don't feel like doing my work).  Will update whenever I feel like it.  To those taking A's or any other exams, good luck, do your best, no regrets.  Most importantly, try not to stress too much =).  Health comes first.  The weather nowadays is the perfect condition to get sick, so don't make it any easier to do so!


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