Location: Singapore

Monday, October 29, 2007

Hello A lvls!


Yup, its the A levels. Spent slightly more than 1.5 years preparing for this hell. Worse, I'm not ready. I can truthfully say that I'm NOT READY for this. Been doing TYS questions all the time, don't even WANT to touch prelim questions coz I'm scared of hell of what I'll be seeing.

Oh well, at least I tried, that's all I can say and do. I'll just give it my all. Expect the worse but pray for the best. *sigh*. Running on adrenaline these few days, and verging on a panic spree. I'll just have to pull in my emotions and keep them under heavy-duty lockdown until after the A lvls. I'll panic all I want after A's. Now, I'll just have to try to face this monster. On the bright side, I never regretted coming to JC. Its been a good experience.

Anyways, good luck to all my friends taking A levels. =). Just put in your best and see what happens yeah?


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