Location: Singapore

Sunday, May 04, 2008


Okie, First time I'm adding pictures to my beloved blog =P.

Anyways, there's 2 sets of photos I'll be adding, one would be the photo-taking session Kari and I had at my place (coz we got bored, and neither of us have done any girly-make-up-dress-up things before =P. Another set would be the beach Photos =).

Anyhow, without further ado, the first set =).

So yeah, there's a few of the piccies we took at my house =). Gotta love the kari-sauce. We had a hell of a time putting on make-up and dressing each other up (we had a HELL of a problem with the EYELINER. We kept poking our eyes with it =P). But yeah, it was great fun =). Definitely was an interesting experience and I won't mind doing it again. Makes me think of when I was younger, and I actually wanted to be a model. Nowadays, I *might* still go for it given the chance, but I feel I'm still too flabby and unglam to even try =P.

Now, for the 2nd set, the BEACH PHOTOS! XD.

Kari and I in sarongs. I brought the Sarongs from last year =).

That's basically the group of us who were at the Beach. Great Outing, Gotta LOVE the beach! XD.

That's Marcus in the middle, the only guy in this picture, surrounded by HAWT girls. LOL, Lucky dude =). There's Pearly, then Belinda, and Tiffany behind Belinda, then Kari, then ME =).

Girls at the Beach, clockwise, starting from the top left: Hikari, Belinda, Pamela(me), Pearly and Tiffany =). Don't we all look hawt and sexy? LOL. Love you girls! XD.

Okie, that's just a random shot of Tiffany and Belinda playing Volleyball =). Note the look of concentration and determination on Belinda's face? =P.

Okie, here are just some RANDOM shots that Kari, Nick and I took in the water =D.

SCREAM! Sadako is ALLLIVE! (Nick talked me into taking that picture O_O)

Kari and I pretending to do Mortal Kombat! =P

That's Nick and Kari, less refined on their fighting skillz =P.

Best Bosom Buddies at the beach. Love the background =). No, its not edited in any way.

Kisses and Sunshine =). I love my HOT Kari-Sauce!

And the BEST EVER PHOTO of me, taken on that day......

The water hides my flab =P.

OKie, that's it for now. I'll upload 3-4 more photos tomorrow on the scenery of Sentosa Palawan Beach! XD. Oh, and one final photo before I end this post, another one of us girls!

Note Belinda's red face... She's not blushing, she's BURNT. Medium Rare! XD.

That's it for now, Cya!


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