The Life of a College Bowler

Location: Singapore

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Life and the dawn

*blows a film of dust away from the blog*

Its been some time... a tad bit too long... lets see what I can come up with.

Life is just as it is
Going, continuing, forevermore;
It goes on and on,
Always has
Always will.

Things have changed
We leave behind dark, gloomy footprints
Streaked with blood and tears
And Heartbreak.

The future looks bright, promising
But at the same time;
Dangerous, filled with numerous pitfalls.
If one does not dare to move forward,
Where does that leave one?

I must remind myself,
The sky is darkest
Just before the dawn.
A Glorious Break of Dawn Awaits.
Things cannot and will not stay down...
Until then...
All I can do is put a smile on my face
And go on.
Nothing else I can do...
Just keep going.

It pains me.
There will be some,
That might not live to see the dawn
Or something else,
Something more sinister,
Would prevent them from experiencing the bright sunrise
The Sunrise that would be the reward for all the gloom.

I hope this is not so,
But reality speaks differently.
I can only hope,
Hope that all of us would be here
To see the promised light.

Till then...

... just hold on.