The Life of a College Bowler

Location: Singapore

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Bleh Day

I'm having one of those really bleh days today. Its one of those days, when you have NOTHING to do, no idea what sites to visit online, no idea what videos to watch, and not in the mood to study. Just feeling... bleh.

Just to DO something (ANYTHING!), I'm just gonna update the blog that nobody reads. I'd write some great essay on some social issue if I wasn't feeling so bleh... Tofu even called me asking if I wanted to have dinner with him, and I really don't feel like leaving my house, or meeting people. No idea what's wrong with me, I feel as if I no longer know how to act among friends, JC friends, Sec Sch Friends or overseas friends. Even online friends! Its as if I want SOMEBODY to tell me how to act, what sort of character am I suppose to be? Its like, for today, I completely forgot...

Anyways, work's fine. Never thought I'd be in the position to really do anything with the computer. Yet, my name is on the website as the technical support for the MOE ExCEL Fest 2008. LOL. I was like 'o.0' when they put my name there. But its going quite well. Learning new things everyday and being able to help others with their registration problems.

Meeting schools are okay too. Some schools pissed the hell outta me. NOTHING prepared, NOTHING ready, and the bloody deadline is SOON!. RAWR! Students aren't the only ones to push deadlines, teachers do it ALL THE TIME.

I'm just feeling a little topsy turvy emotionally. Started questioning the meaning of friends. I think its just me being unused to the fact that there's no longer school, so I don't meet anybody much, except for my colleagues. Its feeling weird, we all have different routes. As much as I can preach about understanding, I still feel weird. Yes, I do understand about all these things, but its still very... uncomfortable. I don't really know where I stand with my friends. Especially my ex classmates. On one hand, I really wanna go to outings with them, I miss them somewhat, especially the ones I'm close to in JC. On the other hand, I'm not quite sure how to blend in, and I have this urge to skip it, be solitary and just... be with myself.

I'm not quite sure what's happening. I can be in a crowded room, and feel more alone than ever. Perhaps I like human interaction too much, and I can't stand silence, or not chatting to somebody, unless its one of those really comfortable silence with a VERY close friend.

I somehow feel like an outcast sometimes. I don't know why, I do have friends, and I can laugh and talk and just spend time with them. I'm very sure that they're wonderful people, but I still find myself questioning the purpose of friends. Maybe its just me, being today, one of the really bleh days, that I start doing this random exercise.

Oh, and I watched Speed Racer yesterday. The whole movie was rather funny and silly, extremely cartoon-ish. The ending left me with food for thought. I won't spoil it for anybody, but the ending really left an impact on me. Thoughts on familial ties, choosing your path and living with your decisions really hit me then. I felt sad for that one character, even though he had a life many would die for, I still felt extremely sad. I had to keep reminding myself that it was fiction, it didn't happen, and that the ending was some sadistic author's mentality of not putting an all-round happy ending to a kids movie. It still had a profound impact on me though.

Other books I've been reading, namely, the other boleyn girl, and Perfume: the story of a murderer. The first was mainly court politics in the olden english times. The latter was about this social misfit, who had great sense of smell, who killed virgins to get their 'scent'.

Both books touched in me a way, gave me alot of things to think about. Oh, and I read Tuesdays with Morrie as well. Really admire the character of Morrie, how he could face death with dignity.

Oh well, MAYBE its the books I've been reading that had me in this bleh mood, maybe its the movie, or maybe its just time I had a bleh day.

I'll stop blogging about my extremely random thoughts now ^^.

Sunday, May 04, 2008


Okie, First time I'm adding pictures to my beloved blog =P.

Anyways, there's 2 sets of photos I'll be adding, one would be the photo-taking session Kari and I had at my place (coz we got bored, and neither of us have done any girly-make-up-dress-up things before =P. Another set would be the beach Photos =).

Anyhow, without further ado, the first set =).

So yeah, there's a few of the piccies we took at my house =). Gotta love the kari-sauce. We had a hell of a time putting on make-up and dressing each other up (we had a HELL of a problem with the EYELINER. We kept poking our eyes with it =P). But yeah, it was great fun =). Definitely was an interesting experience and I won't mind doing it again. Makes me think of when I was younger, and I actually wanted to be a model. Nowadays, I *might* still go for it given the chance, but I feel I'm still too flabby and unglam to even try =P.

Now, for the 2nd set, the BEACH PHOTOS! XD.

Kari and I in sarongs. I brought the Sarongs from last year =).

That's basically the group of us who were at the Beach. Great Outing, Gotta LOVE the beach! XD.

That's Marcus in the middle, the only guy in this picture, surrounded by HAWT girls. LOL, Lucky dude =). There's Pearly, then Belinda, and Tiffany behind Belinda, then Kari, then ME =).

Girls at the Beach, clockwise, starting from the top left: Hikari, Belinda, Pamela(me), Pearly and Tiffany =). Don't we all look hawt and sexy? LOL. Love you girls! XD.

Okie, that's just a random shot of Tiffany and Belinda playing Volleyball =). Note the look of concentration and determination on Belinda's face? =P.

Okie, here are just some RANDOM shots that Kari, Nick and I took in the water =D.

SCREAM! Sadako is ALLLIVE! (Nick talked me into taking that picture O_O)

Kari and I pretending to do Mortal Kombat! =P

That's Nick and Kari, less refined on their fighting skillz =P.

Best Bosom Buddies at the beach. Love the background =). No, its not edited in any way.

Kisses and Sunshine =). I love my HOT Kari-Sauce!

And the BEST EVER PHOTO of me, taken on that day......

The water hides my flab =P.

OKie, that's it for now. I'll upload 3-4 more photos tomorrow on the scenery of Sentosa Palawan Beach! XD. Oh, and one final photo before I end this post, another one of us girls!

Note Belinda's red face... She's not blushing, she's BURNT. Medium Rare! XD.

That's it for now, Cya!

Friday, May 02, 2008



Just had a day at the beach with my friends, and boy, did I miss the beach! We were late (as usual, seriously, nothing else is new), arrived at Palawan Beach at Sentosa at about 2.30pm. Marcus, Pearly, Brian and Belinda, as well as Marcus' 2 NS Friends was already there.

After Kari and I changed into our swimwear (a bikini for me, and a tankini for her), and we were all nicely wrapped in the beach sarong, we went out to enjoy the fun =). We played frisbee for a while, as well as volleyball. Marcus thinks volleyball is in my blood coz I can hit the ball rather accurately 80% of the time, I think its just luck =P. My hands hurt too much for volleyball to be in my blood =P.

I used SPF 150 on my face, and SPF 50 on my body, and as a result, I didn't get burnt! w00tz! First time I went to Sentosa and came back with NORMAL skin colour. At least its not RED, like somebody... *cough*Marcus*cough*Belinda*cough*.

Nick patiently blew up all the floats (one big round donut-shaped one and one bed-shaped-and-sized) while we sit, and chat, and play more volleyball, and gulp down those ice-cold-drinks-that-was-quickly-becoming-lukewarm.

The sun was high, the sky was blue, and there was not a cloud in the sky. Usually it would be the perfect beach day, but the sand was HOOOOOT! I'm rather sure that I could have fried an egg on the sand.

Catching up with friends and just lazing around was great fun. Really missed these days with friends =). I'll post up the pictures as soon as I get them from Kari =).

Just a quick note for me to freak out. Most of my friends are getting their Uni Acceptance Letters, from both NTU and NUS. They had interviews and such. Mine, as stated on the NUS Website, is still under processing. I'm getting more and more worried, what if I'm rejected? I've prepared myself for not getting into uni this year, but not getting in would feel too much like losing. I don't like to lose. Oh well, I'll just sit tight, and pray. What will be will be, and I may as well make the best of whatever the outcome will be.