The Life of a College Bowler

Location: Singapore

Thursday, December 06, 2007

PROM NIGHT (and another stupid quiz)

Well, 4th of December has came and went. My last ever prom night (coz as I've been told, Uni doesn't have prom T.T). My sleep pattern is still totally messed up (sleep pattern? WHAT sleep pattern?!). Sleeping at 6am, waking at 3pm, totally peachy o.0.

Anyways, wore my brown dress, had to pin the stupid dress up. And even then, I had to keep readjusting the bloody dress over and over again coz my bra was showing. Next time, I'm gonna get a dress with a more modest cut. So yeah, did my hair and makeup at auntie jovina's place. Hair just got straightened actually, coz I didn't want to tie it up. Having those prom hairstyles with a whole shitload of hairspray and really really uncomfortable stuff isn't my thing, plus I look old enough as it is, no point looking older still =P.

Prom was good enough, the usual table games, scrambling to take tonnes of photos, the nomination for Prom King and Queen (and the really REALLY surprising bit where Brian, a prom king nominee, announced his love for Pearly on stage *melts*). The after prom party, however, IS A BLAST =D. We (Brian, Darren, Jon, Pearly and I) weren't too sure about entering the club actually (the Arena at Clarke Quay). I never thought myself to be a clubbing person ever, but I did want to try it out =P. Anyways, walked to pearly's mom's workplace to say hi (it was rather near to clarke quay), then walked back. Jon, Darren and I decided to go in, Pearly was too tired, so pearly and Brian took a seat near the river (a canal in my honest opinion). The music was LOUD! And it was totally CROWDED. But yeah, nice atmosphere, saw Marcus, squeezed our way over to him, danced for a while until I contacted my class to ask if they wanted to come along. Spent a good 30 mins trying to direct them to the club, then to the atm machine, then to the club again =P.

But yeah, overall, clubbing was fun. Darren and Jon left at around 2am coz Pearly was tired and wanted to go off (they were to spend the night at Jon's house), but I wasn't quiet ready to go yet, so it was a simple matter of staying with my class =P. 2 of my friends (and classmate) got slightly tipsy, was rather amusing. I didn't get tipsy though, felt the beginning of tipsiness, but never actually crossed the line. Thank God for that o.0. We all left at 4.30am, when the club closed =P. Overall, it was a nice and fun experience =D.

Oh, if anybody's interested, the photos can be found on my bebo account (coz I have NO IDEA how to put up photos on blogger, anybody willing to teach? =P)

and yes, I do know that I lack poses, but hey, I can't be bothered =P. Oh, and yes, I am aware that my eyes look punched (in the later photos, as highlighted by Jonesy), but I was wearing contacts, and the eyeshadow was brown due to the brown dress, and my eyes just got slightly puddy =P.

Anyways, was reading Vincent's blog, and saw this quiz, and was getting a little too bored...


W H O . W A S . T H E . L A S T . P E R S O N . T H A T?

1. You hung out with? Edwin, Joshua, Samuel and Daniel, waiting for the first train.

2. Saw you cry: Erm... can't remember honestly speaking...

3. Went to the movies with you? Jon, Darren, Nick and Megan, (Watching Enchanted)

4. You went to the mall with? Jon, Darren, Brian, Pearly, Samantha, Cara, Tofu and Malvin (to buy prom clothes for the guys)

5. You went to dinner with? Prom night, 500 odd Pioneers =P

6. You talked on the phone to? Mom =P

7. Said ‘I love you’ to you and really meant it? Mommy =P

8. Made you laugh? My classmates while clubbing =D.

W O U L D . Y O U . R A T H E R?

1. Pierce your nose or tongue? Neither, piercing my ears was bad enough

2. Be serious or be funny? Funny... though when I'm nervous, I tend to be really serious o.0

3. Drink whole or skim milk? Skimmed Milk, I love milk XD

4. Die in a fire or drown? Neither, I wanna live till an old age, though if I had no choice, it'll be drowning. Less painful and you get a nice view of the ocean floor as you die =P.

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies? My parents, I love my parents, I hate my enemies, obvious choice.

D O . Y O U . P R E F E R. .

1. Flowers or candy? Flowers, they're sweet =)

2. Gray or black? Black... Grey makes me look washed out

3. Color or Black and white photos? Colour (though I look pretty good in black and white)

4. Lust or love? Both, then you'd get a relationship, but if I had to choose one, Love.

5. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset. though with my sleeping pattern as it is now, I get to see both =P

6. M&Ms or Skittles? M&Ms, Chocolates forever =D

8. Staying up late or waking up early? Staying up late! (like duh!)

A N S W E R . T R U T H F U L L Y !!

1. Do you like anyone? Nope, not at the moment.

2. Do they know it? Theres nobody to know.

D O . Y O U . P R E F E R.

1. Sun or moon? Moon, the sun offends me, daily.

2. Winter or Fall? Winter (SNOOOOOOOOW!)

3. Left or right? Right. I'm right handed, and I like being right =P (yes yes, lame, I know)

4. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends?: Two best friends., Quality over quantity.

5. Sunny or rainy?: Rainy, more cooling, bonus if you get to play in the rain =P

6. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? Chocolate ice cream! Vanilla's kinda tasteless =P

A B O U T . Y O U

1. What time is it?: 18 35

2. Nickname(s): Oh Goodness, tonnes. Pam, Pammy, Pamboobs, boobs (don't ask, really), Pamburger, Camera, Pamsy, Lampa Mela (I bet my parents didnt notice that when they gave me my name...) and a hell lot more...

3. What is your birth date?: 6th January 1989

4. What do you want? I want to get into uni, graduate with a good degree, go onto masters sometime later, good job, good family, peaceful and happy life =)

5. Where do you want to live? A peaceful and safe environment. ALSO, A place with SEASONS!

6. How many kids do you want?: between 2 to 4 =P, Preferably 4...

7. You want to get married? Yes please!


1. Nervous habit: Playing with my watch.

2. Are you double jointed?: Nope, but I know somebody who is.

3. Can you roll your tongue?: Not very well...

4. Can you raise one eyebrow? Kinda... I dunno.

5. Can you cross your eyes?: Yup.

6. Do you make your bed daily? Nope.. no reason to, its gonna get messed up soon enough anyways.


1. Which shoe goes on first? right, I think....

2. Ever thrown a shoe at someone? Nope, wanted to but no.

3. What is your craziest experience ever? Erm, dunno, I've done loads of crazy things....


1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl

2. Have you ever eaten spam? yup

3. Favorite ice cream: Ben and Jerrys

4. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet? none... I don't get up early enough for cereal.

5. What’s your favorite beverage? Whiskey + Coke XD.

6. Do you cook? Does instant noodles count?

IN . T H E . L A S T . M O N T H . H A V E . Y O U ?

1. Bought something: Yup, shopping spree XD.

2. Sang: yup yup =)

3. Been hugged: All the time XD.

4. Felt stupid: Loads of times...

5. Missed someone: Yup

6. Danced crazy: CLUBBING XD. w00tz!

7. Gotten your hair cut: yes, and highlighted =P

8. Cried: Probably not

9. Lied: Possibly?

You guys have been tagged by me.Those who have read this post, you have been tagged by me! Go do this quiz and pass the tag on! =]