The Life of a College Bowler

Location: Singapore

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Okok, Exams over. I can't be bothered with a blow-by-blow account of the Killer A Levels. Did okay in some papers, did crappy in others. At best, I think a BBBC (and that's REALLY optimistic), at worse, about a CCDD or smt I think. I rather HOPE I don't go lower than THAT!

Anyways, its only been *thinks* 4 days since my exams have ended. There's still the usual adjustments, like my sleep pattern is still in the mugger's mode. I still feel guilty playing games, as if I ought to be studying. But hey, it takes time =P. I feel so much more lighter though.

Had some problems with some planning clashing with some friend's activity. Oh well, nothing in life goes as planned I supposed. Still annoyed to some extent though.

Oh, I highlighted my hair today. RED HIGHLIGHTS! Its subtle, but nice =D. Also got it cut, so its shorter now. Went window shopping with Jon as well, for HIS prom things. Already arranged with Auntie jovina to pop by the salon before prom for hair and makeup =). Went to watch Enchanted with Meg, Nick, Jon and Darren. The movie was funny only because it plays up on all the cheesiness of most disney fairytales. I love Disney, they can actually make a few films making fun of themselves! They're also extremely active lately, with movies like shrek, High School Musical, Enchanted, etc...

Anyways, the main point of this post... Thanx to Vincent, or else this blog would have remained stagnant...

1. Do the following without complains.
2. Choose 5 people to do this quiz after you've done yours.
3. Tag the chosen one.
4. Start your post with "i've been tagged"
I've been tagged by VINCENT. (bad bad baaaaad boy! LOL)


Colour: Black, Solid Red or Blue.

Food: Japanese Food and Italian

Movie: Anything with a GOOD plot. Best if its HORROR! (anybody wanna go catch a horror movie with me? pretty please?)

Sport: Bowling and Swimming

Day: Saturday! (for sleeping late and waking late XD)

Season: Winter. Its cold as hell, but snow ROCKS.

Ice cream: Ben and Jerry's Cookies and Cream are to DIE FOR!

Current mood: Happy

Clothes: Anything that makes me look good and slim, which means its either black or really dark coloured.

Time: Erm, anytime I'm having fun really...

Surrounding: I'm gonna come right out and say it. I'm a cliche person at heart (there's my secret out), therefore, I'd choose the beach, with a full moon, lovely time to enjoy the sound of waves =D.

Annoyances: HOW in the world can I have a FAVOURITE annoyance? Kinda like contradicting. If I find it annoying, I won't enjoy it (which is what favourite implies). Annoying people annoys me. =P.


Bestfriend: Nikki (but lost contact, my first friend in the UK)

Crush: Callum Duncan (he knows about it anyways =P)

Movie: The Lion king!

Music: first music? I think probably lullaby... when my parents *TRIED* to sing me to sleep (didn't work, I was as much as a vampire then as I am now)


Drink: Alcoholic = Chives+Coke, non-alcoholic = Lychee drink.

Car ride: 1 hour ago, when mom was driving us home.

Crush: Darren, my first BF, now my first ex as well =P. We're still friends though.

Phonecall: KARI (Is AwesomeSauce! XD)

Cd played: Drivetime Music, loads of GOOD classical music, super nice.

Gone out with good friends: erm, *counts*... 4 hours ago.

Broken a law: Underaged drinking, not done that since my 18th birthday =P

Been arrested: Never, Me? get in trouble with the law? You have GOTTA be kidding me.

Been on TV: Erm, 2007, June. On News 5 Tonight =P. They were making some report on the naval open house, I happened to be working there, got a few seconds of airtime =P.

Kissed someone you don't know: Never, geeze, what kinda gal do you think I am? (Don't answer that)

5 things i am good at:

1) Arguing (even without evidence =P)
2) Sleeping
3) Chatting
4) Being on the computer for LONG hours
5) Speaking to people (even strangers I suppose...)

People to tag [No repeating] :

1) JAMES (I know you read this, and that you don't have a blog, e-mail me it =P)
2) Pearly

That;s about it, unless Adalmin is so utterly bored that she reads this and she feels like doing it =P.

Anyways, that's all for now, will update soon when I have more information on my other job opportunities, and of course, about PROM! Photos coming up as soon as I learn how to post up photos on my blog. Anybody willing to teach me? =P.